LSHE Kunshan Green Low-Carbon intelligent Park

LSHE Kunshan Green Low-Carbon intelligent Park

LSHE adheres to the concept of green, low-carbon and circular development. In 2017, Lei Shing Hong planned, designed and implemented the overall framework of the Kunshan headquarters park, empowering 100+ Office/production intelligent green application scenarios.
5 office buildings, 3 production workshops, 2 warehouses, covering an area of 80,000 square meters, the total installed capacity of solar photovoltaic panels in the park is 950kW and the energy storage capacity is 853kWh.

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Here, each solar photovoltaic panel has become a high-power "power bank". The factory realizes 100% green electricity consumption and 950kW distributed photovoltaic grid-connected for power generation, reducing more than 994 tons of carbon annually, which is equivalent to planting 553 trees every year.

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Post time: Jul-29-2024